Three Tips For Preparing Your Introverted Child For Preschool

Posted on: 31 March 2017

Sending your child to preschool is not only about the learning element. It is good for most preschoolers to get away from their home environment and be around those their age for fun and socialization. If you have a toddler who is introverted, you may notice that they prefer to play solitary games and be on their own. If you have an introverted child, there may be different steps needed to get them to acclimate them to preschool. Here are three tips for preparing your introverted child for preschool. 

Ask them to slowly start speaking

While you do want your child to be an active participant in their class, you do not want to make it seem like being introverted is a bad thing. Allow your child to pace themselves when it comes to becoming extroverted. Let your child know how important it is to participate in school activities. Let them know that it is also best to interact with the teacher during lessons and making friends. However, if they take a while to speak up, it is ok. 

Introduce them to the teacher

For some introverts, knowing when to introduce themselves is an issue. Once an introverted child becomes acquainted with someone, it may be easier to interact with the person. On the first day of school, you should introduce your child to their teacher. Meeting their teacher one-on-one may make it easier for your child to speak up in class and interact with the lesson. If possible, it may also be a good idea to have your child introduce themselves to their classmates while they are in small groups. Allow your child to do introductions to everyone in their class at their own pace so that they are not overwhelmed. 

Let them know downtime is ok

Some introverts feel that they are drained of energy when they are around people all day. If your child tends to feel this way, it is important to let them know that it is ok to have downtime alone. If there is free play time at school, it is ok for your child to silently read or play a game alone. Once they get home from a long day of group participation, they may also desire some quiet time to do as they please. Let your child know that it is ok to charge their internal batteries by being by themselves for a little while. 
